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借助文献研究和对比研究,在解释网络扶贫内涵的基础上,探讨了网络扶贫的实践特色。研究发现,网络扶贫能够推动扶贫思维的深层变革:从单向思维到互联网思维;助力扶贫对象的精准识别:从主观判断到科学界定;促进扶贫动力的内外融通:从外源救济到内生崛起;推进扶贫主体的系统升级:从单一分离到通力合作;优化扶贫路径的实践切入:从共性举措到个性特色;保障扶贫效果的稳定有序:从短期快速到长期持续。因此,在网络扶贫的过程中,既要注重提升网络扶贫主体的人力资本、加强农村互联网基础设施建设,又要注重构建网络扶贫信息服务体系、培育贫困地区特色产业,推进网络公益扶贫有序发展。  相似文献   
工业化、城市化形塑了人口流动的方向,这使得我国东部乡村与中西部乡村的社会性质产生了巨大分化。在工业化与人口大量流入的背景下,东部地区村庄逐步成为土客杂居的工业型村庄,“类熟人社会”成为工业型村庄社会结构的新形态。学界既有概念“无主体熟人社会”揭示了作为人口流出地的中西部农业型村庄社会结构的新形态,而“类熟人社会”与其相对应,形成对转型期中国乡村社会性质的互补性解释。在东部地区工业型村庄中,通过原生型社会关系与建构型社会关系,人们的“熟悉”感开始建立,但最终却形成了“熟而不亲”的类团体格局。类熟人社会的形成,有赖于人们在流动社会里,通过“区隔化”和“聚类化”的策略,在保障生存安全的前提下,实现生计的维持。过日子的区域差异,也使得各群体之间很难在短时间内实现融合。  相似文献   
基于在大兴安岭南麓片区的田野调查,通过引入新内生发展理论,提出认同、赋权、创新、合作四要素是乡村振兴的核心动力。乡村振兴需要理性认知村落的命运,树立文化自信,提升主体对乡村“地域 文化”的认同感和归属感。要通过确权、赋能提升村民可行性能力,进而将内外资源相结合,因地制宜积极参与政策、组织、业务和技术等的创新实践活动。在乡村振兴过程中还要注意加强知识、部门、地区的联动。四要素的有机结合能够提升农牧民的主体地位,激活内外发展动力,对推动乡村振兴,实现乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
基于UTAUT模型,引入感知风险、替代软件等2个变量进行修正,构建农信社手机银行使用行为影响因素研究模型,并运用结构方程模型、Bootstrap中介检验、多群组分析等方法对福建省农户调查数据进行实证分析。研究发现:(1)感知易用性显著正向影响农信社手机银行使用意愿;感知风险和替代软件显著负向影响农信社手机银行使用意愿;社会影响对农信社手机银行使用意愿影响不显著。(2)便利条件和使用意愿显著正向影响农信社手机银行使用行为;农信社手机银行使用行为影响因素由大到小依次为便利条件、替代软件、感知风险、感知易用性。(3)教育在感知易用性对农信社手机银行使用意愿影响中具有调节作用。据此提出,应进一步增强操作的便利性以优化业务办理效率,增强信息的安全性以降低软件使用风险,增强软件的特色性以降低软件可替代性,增强软件的易用性以优化便捷使用体验,从而优化农村金融服务供给,助推农村经济发展。  相似文献   
乡村治理是乡村振兴战略设计框架中的重要内容,是我国国家治理的内在基础逻辑。要构建和完善“自治法治德治”的 乡村治理体系,应当积极发掘、传承保护、盘活和创新利用好乡村传统治理资源,推进本土化治理,实现乡村善治的终极目标。 彝族传统文化结构中蕴藏有丰富的治理资源,相关学者早从不同视角做过相关探讨或研究。总体看来,目前,虽然学界以“乡 村治理”作为直接视角嵌入的研究尚少,但是早有学者针对彝族的习惯法、家支制度、德古机制、信仰文化、乡村精英等展开相 关研究。众多研究成果表明,彝族传统治理资源具有强大的治理效能和实现乡村善治的独特优势。  相似文献   
This study examined the characteristics of youth with different types of purpose in life, as well as the associations between adolescents’ life satisfaction, purpose in life, meaning in life, social support, and problematic digital use. The sample included 193 participants aged 14–18 who completed self-report questionnaires on life satisfaction, purpose in life, meaning in life, social support, and problematic digital use. The following purpose in life clusters were found: (1) other-oriented goals (n?=?33); (2) self-oriented goals (n?=?42); and (3) both other- and self-oriented goals (n?=?107). Adolescents with both self- and other-oriented goals had significantly higher life satisfaction, meaning in life, and social support compared to the other groups. Meaning in life and greater support from parents and teachers were significantly associated with greater life satisfaction. In addition, having other-oriented goals was associated with lower life satisfaction. Finally, support from parents (p?=?0.05) mediated the association between problematic digital use and life satisfaction. Findings are discussed in light of previous research and the theoretical and practical implications are examined.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore economic and inclusion opportunities for people with disabilities and mental health issues afforded by ‘live streaming’ ? the live broadcast of one’s activities over the internet to a globally dispersed audience. In both 2016 and 2017, the leading live streaming platform Twitch.tv broadcast over 500,000 years of video, which were produced by over two million regular broadcasters (‘streamers’), and consumed by an audience of several hundred million viewers. Streamers can profit, up to and including a full-time living ‘wage’ for those at the highest levels. Numerous successful streamers with chronic health issues have discussed the personal and professional benefits streaming brings them. Utilising data from a research project with 100 interviews, alongside approximately 500 hours of ethnographic observation, this paper examines the experiences of live streaming for broadcasters with disabilities, mental health issues, or physical health issues. Firstly, I explore the positive elements of streaming for these broadcasters, focusing on the many conditions represented in this demographic, and the benefits streaming gives for inclusion and community. Secondly, I consider the negative experiences of these streamers, focused on entanglements of health and technology that make their streaming lives potentially more challenging than their colleagues. Thirdly, I focus on the economic opportunities, and the potential for entrepreneurial activity, the platform affords. I conclude the analysis by exploring how these aspects make live streaming a potentially exemplary emancipatory and entrepreneurial space for these individuals, but not one without challenges.  相似文献   
This issue examines struggles over public discursive power in late modern society, understanding that late modern publics are characterized by a destabilization of formerly unmarked public authorities, in other words, an unsettling of standardized “voices from nowhere” (Gal & Woolard, 2001). The contributions to the issue illustrate traditional social and academic elites’ discursive reactions to such developments. In the introduction, we outline different theoretical frameworks of modern and late‐modern publics, identify factors that contribute to a destabilization of modern certainties of social public order, and argue that a weakening of traditional public norms not only implies emancipation but also, as the contributions to the issue demonstrate, may bring along new forms of public dominance. For the positioning of contemporary sociolinguistic theory and practice, we conclude that it is the crucial task of the current public moment to critically self‐engage with our own relations with, and ideologies of, the public. Dieses Themenheft befragt Strukturen öffentlicher Diskursmacht in spätmoderner Gesellschaft und zeigt auf, dass spätmoderne Öffentlichkeit durch eine Destabilisierung von vormals unmarkierten Autoritäten ist, in anderen Worten, von standardisierten “voices from nowhere” (Gal & Woolard, 2001). Die Beiträge illustrieren Reaktionen traditioneller sozialer und akademischer Eliten hierauf. In dieser Einleitung skizzieren wir verschiedene theoretische Zugänge zu moderner und spätmoderner Öffentlichkeit, identifizieren Faktoren, die zu einer Destabilisierung von sozialen Gewissheiten der Moderne beitragen und legen dar, dass eine Schwächung traditioneller öffentlichen Normen nicht nur soziale Emanzipation impliziert sondern, wie die Beiträge zu diesem Heft zeigen, auch neue Formen öffentlicher Dominanz hervorbringt. In Bezug auf zeitgenössische soziolinguistische Theorie und Praxis schlussfolgern wir daraus, dass es im aktuellen öffentlichen Kontext eine zentrale Aufgabe der Soziolinguistik ist, sich kritisch mit den eigenen Beziehungen zu und Ideologien von Öffentlichkeit befassen. Das Themenheft soll zu dieser Auseinandersetzung beitragen.  相似文献   
《秦腔》是一部能代表当今小说创作成就的优秀之作。在贾平凹的创作中也是一部有新突破,在艺术上达到新高度的小说。具有历史的厚重感,强烈的时代感,新鲜的叙事感。作者通过对清风街乡土社会解体的叙写,表现了百年启蒙文学关注的一个重要主题:乡土的变革。  相似文献   
脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴是不同历史阶段下的战略任务。二者在历史渊源、出场逻辑、科学内涵、推进思路上存在差异,但都是为建设社会主义现代化强国所作的制度安排,在战略愿景、服务诉求、参与主体、实践路径上具有同一性,共同服务于中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦和“两个一百年”的目标实现。一方面脱贫攻坚为乡村振兴提供政策基础、物质基础、舆论基础和模式借鉴,另一方面乡村振兴为巩固脱贫攻坚成果、防范返贫风险和解决2020年后的贫困问题提供长效保障。当前中国正处于脱贫攻坚收官之战与乡村振兴稳步实施的政策交汇期,探索脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴融合推进之路具有战略紧迫性和历史必然性。研究表明,西部地区脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴已实现初步互动,但实现两大战略的良性互动仍需进一步优化联动机制、筑牢产业发展根基、提高乡村治理与生态文明水平、引领文化风尚、推动共同富裕,使西部地区在新时代新一轮的大开发中展现更大作为。  相似文献   
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